When is the last time you felt alive ?

I truly believe that we all can be Free. Free from our own beliefs, free from our fears,
Free from the voice who tells us that we are not capable, free from the chains of the society. 
I hear you, what is the point? 
You may think, « I already have a job which is not that bad, maybe a girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife, some friends, money on the side, so why? » 
What is the point? 
Why should I be free when I am OK with my life?
When is the last time you felt alive? 
When is the last time your feelings were so intense that you did not even know how to handle them?
I believe that being free allows you to show your true self. Your inner light. The force you have inside. 
You know this thing that comes once a while when you didn’t even expected it and that gives you a power that you weren’t very conscious of and that finally, you had. Imagine if you could get that everyday in your life. If instead of showing itself once a while this force could help you to speak your truth, accomplish your most secrets dreams in your daily life. 
How would be your life?
I believe that being free allows you to show this light, the reason why you are here. The reason why you are yourself. 
You know that no one is alike. It is certainly because everyone, every single humain on Earth has something to bring to the Universe. 
A light, a gift that only you posess. 
Are you ready to enlight the world with your spark ?

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